
Kassem Taher Saleh

Press articles

Many of my press articles can be found here.

6. 05. 2024


Süddeutsche Zeitung

4. 05. 2024



1. 05. 2024


Sächsische Zeitung

6. 03. 2024



16. 02. 2024



16. 02. 2024



23. 01. 2024



19. 01. 2024



17. 01. 2024



Projects in Dresden threatened by budget ruling – are there solutions?

The emergency budget is the right decision: We must now ensure, especially with a view to East Germany, that the projects that have already been promised are financed. The possibility of having the money flow through the federal budget is now greater.

25. 11. 2023



Green politician Taher Saleh: Breaking the coalition is not up for debate

​ 210 / 5.000 Übersetzungsergebnisse Übersetzung The Greens do not want to leave the traffic light coalition. The Green Party member of the Bundestag, Kassem Taher Saleh, made this clear before the federal party conference. He said they wanted to govern until the end of the legislature.

23. 11. 2023



Instead of new building districts on greenfield sites: Greens want to solve the housing shortage by expanding existing buildings

The Green Party is against further sealing. It wants to create four million new apartments by expanding buildings. Chancellor Scholz previously called for 20 new city districts.

20. 11. 2023



Members of the Bundestag are calling for the release of the imprisoned guest lecturer at the TU Dresden

Researcher Gubad Ibadoghlu has been in prison in Azerbaijan for almost five months. Now two Dresden members of the Bundestag have stood up for the TU guest lecturer. ​

13. 11. 2023


Sächsische Zeitung

Is building still worth it today? – an argument

Kassem Taher Saleh and Jörg Muschol – two construction experts argue about difficulties in the construction industry and sensible ways out of the crisis.

8. 11. 2023



Green politician who fled Iraq about chip cards for refugees: “Such a card is racist and discriminatory”

Iraqi native Kassem Taher Saleh came to Plauen as a refugee in 2003. He now sits in the Bundestag. On Monday evening he discussed migration with the Greens in Vogtland - and was surprised.

31. 10. 2023


Freie Presse

Advance on AfD posts sparks heated debate

Bundestag member Kassem Taher Saleh (Greens) cannot imagine voting for an AfD candidate. “Democracy does not automatically mean a free pass for right-wing extremists,” he told Stern. The freedom of the mandate requires that all MPs follow their conscience when elected to the presidency and ask themselves whether someone from the AfD parliamentary group can adequately represent the dignity of the House.

12. 10. 2023



“Copy paste at the AfD”: Sharp criticism from Saxony of Merz’s statement on migrants

The Green Party member of the Bundestag Kassem Taher Saleh accused Merz of “campaign nonsense”. When did Merz himself spend time in a refugee home and talk to the people there? “As someone who grew up in a home like this, I know that his arguments are far removed from reality,” said the Dresden politician. ​

28. 09. 2023


Sächsische Zeitung

The mobile Bundestag is in Dresden: That's what it's all about

The Bundestag was in Dresden: the Infomobile visits around 60 constituencies every year.

19. 09. 2023



Kassem cashes in! Opening of the new ALDI branch

A new Aldi opened on Prager Straße and I was able to collect money for the LILA youth center

14. 09. 2023



Bundestag votes on GEG reform

Green building politician Kassem Taher Saleh explained that the decision provides planning security “for all people, companies and the trades”.

8. 09. 2023



Guest piece in "Die WELT"

Overheated cities – the state should exert its steering effect: Cities have become the impressive scene of climate change. Even if the summer in some regions of Germany cooled down a bit, scientists have long agreed: Our summers in Germany will become more extreme in the future: on the one hand hotter and drier, on the other hand characterized by storms and heavy rain events.

18. 08. 2023



I was accompanied by the STERN magazine

STERN accompanied me to Lausitz: to Mühlrose/ Miłoraz – a village that will be the last in Germany to give way to lignite. It was also about Alliance Greens in the East and people undergoing structural change.

18. 08. 2023



Muslim Life in East Germany: The MP

The MDR accompanied me in my everyday life: In the report I talk about my work in Berlin and Saxony. We go together to the START Foundation reception, to the Dynamo Stadium and to Infineon.

26. 06. 2023



Greens after EU asylum compromise: "Many members are very disappointed, including me"

"The EU interior ministers have agreed on a tightening of the EU asylum law. This is a crucial test for the Greens, says Bundestag member Kassem Taher Saleh. He accuses the leadership of a departure from party principles."

9. 06. 2023



Asylum letter from the 730: The Green Basis calls for and promotes perseverance in asylum law

"The Saxon Taher Saleh moved into the Bundestag for the Greens in 2021, two years after receiving German citizenship. The 30-year-old fled Iraq with his family as a child. He thinks: "The current proposal will also do nothing to change the many deaths in the Mediterranean and on the escape routes. Instead, we need safe escape routes and a state sea rescue service."

8. 06. 2023


Table Media

"Unmenschlich": Bundestagsabgeordnete gegen Abschiebung vietnamesischer Familie

In einem überparteilichen Bündnis sächsischer MdB haben wir Innenminister Schuster dazu aufgefordert, die Abschiebung der vietnamesischen Familie Pham/Nguyen abzuwenden.

24. 05. 2023



FDP wants to prevent law on heating replacement

The Green member of the Bundestag, Kassem Taher Saleh, describes the action of the FDP to the WDR as a "kindergarten battle", which is also related to the fact that the FDP has to pass elections this year in Hesse and Bavaria, for example. A party congress serves to "keep members happy, to set narratives".

23. 04. 2023



"The political establishment is not adjusted to other religions": How a member of parliament experienced Ramadan

Ramadan is over and with it the second time I have been fasting in parliamentary business. I spoke to the Tagesspiegel about my experience of fasting as a member of the German Bundestag. Anyone who has seen me in the last four weeks may have noticed that my concentration sometimes became difficult in the afternoon. But that's part of it. Just as Islam belongs to Germany.

20. 04. 2023



How a politician from Dresden endures Ramadan

I spoke to DNN about my everyday life as a member of parliament during Ramadan: I don't eat or drink anything during the day until the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. “#Ramadan is also important for him to remember his roots, the 29-year-old admits. "I think about my religion, my origins, growing up in Saxony." When you fast, you come to terms with your body."

6. 04. 2023



Greens call for more speed in the fight against black money in construction

Taher Saleh now wants a new real estate register to be linked to the digital land registers. “We need the federal states for that. This makes it clear who owns a property and how ownership has changed,” says Taher Saleh. However, the completion of a nationwide, electronic query option for the land registers will still take a few years. "We need more speed here, but also thoroughness," says Taher Saleh.

23. 03. 2023


Rheinische Post

Not always just riots: fan project makes school in the Dynamo Stadium

10. 03. 2023



Green arc: Bundestag supports Dresden city center with 4.7 million euros

1. 03. 2023


Sächsische Zeitung

On the broader use of ecological insulating materials: My exchange with the Tagesspiegel

I spoke to the Tagesspiegel about my demands for the broader use of renewable insulating materials and my view of current building policy

10. 02. 2023


Der Spiegel

Less selfishness: the electoral reform must come

21. 01. 2023



Diaspora Talk

Tanja Scheffler and Rafael Sánchez-Moreno show perspectives from the diaspora community. A podcast from the global diaspora for the global diaspora: And I was allowed to tell my perspective as an Iraqi member of the Bundestag for Dresden.

9. 12. 2022


Diaspora Talk

One from here: With "TAZ" in Plauen

The TAZ accompanied me on a journey into my past: I visited my old school and my former football club in Vogtland. Today I can represent my old hometown Plauen politically in the Bundestag. As the TAZ wrote: "Coming from here helps"

19. 11. 2022



Interview with Heinrich Böll Foundation

In an interview for the portrait series "One Year in the Bundestag" I spoke about the construction turnaround, my way into politics and the question of how parties can enable more political participation for marginalized groups.

21. 10. 2022


Heinrich Böll Stiftung

I hesitated at first with the decision to supply weapons

"I hope that more and more Saxons will understand that you don't have to be born in Saxony to support Saxon interests.": I spoke to the Berliner Zeitung for a long time: About my youth, the times as a scholarship holder at the Start Foundation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, building policy and a year in the Bundestag.

15. 10. 2022


Berliner Zeitung

Green member of the Bundestag: This is how Kassem Taher Saleh wants to change the country

I spoke to Tag24 about my political views as a young Saxon and civil engineer in the Bundestag.

10. 07. 2022



How a green member of parliament discovered his love for FC Dynamo

With Tag24 I talked about my passion for football: Get to know something about my membership at FC Dynamo, what football has brought to me and how we play football in parliament with FC Bundestag

22. 06. 2022



How it's going for MP Kassem Taher Saleh

Dlf Kultur accompanied while supporting an election campaign in Görlitz where I could talk about how I have been doing since the beginning of my mandate in the Bundestag.

2. 06. 2022


Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Symposium: The Kurdish Perspective from Europe

In March I was allowed to take part in the symposium of the Kurdish community in Germany. You can find an overview of all panels and the event via the link to the article.

23. 03. 2022


Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland

Coordination point in Görlitz for refugees from the Ukraine

Together with Franziska Schubert, the parliamentary group leader in the Saxon state parliament, I set up a coordination center for refugees from Ukraine in our regional office in Görlitz.

27. 02. 2022


Zeit Online

Die Zukunftsmacher (Podcast)

I was a guest on the podcast "Die Zukunftsmacher" and talked about my path into politics, my time as a site manager on the construction site and sustainable building policy.

10. 01. 2022


Die Zukunftsmacher

Baustelle Bauwesen: Als Bauingenieur im Bundestag

15. 12. 2021


Baustelle Bauwesen

Bundestag: Was wollen die Jungen?

28. 11. 2021


Deutsche Welle

Ex-Wackeraner im Bundestag

29. 10. 2021


Vogtland Anzeiger

Was können wir vom Fußball erwarten?

21. 10. 2021



Der Neue aus Sachsen

18. 10. 2021



Wie divers muss der Bundestag sein?

30. 09. 2021



Diese Menschen machen den Bundestag diverser

27. 09. 2021



Es könnte anders werden

20. 09. 2021



Reporter - Bundestagswahl: Mehr Junge in die Politik!

18. 09. 2021


Deutsche Welle

Warum sich die Grünen im Osten so schwer tun

9. 09. 2021



Drei Kandidaten legen offen, wofür sie Geld im Wahlkampf ausgeben

2. 09. 2021



Mehr Diversität in den Bundestag

1. 08. 2021


Deutschlandfunk Kultur